God thank you Daddy, Mommy, Xavian get better. Amen.
Man I love this girl.
She'll be 2 on May 21st, and just like any other parent, I can't believe how fast it is going. She's smart. She knows a LOT more than I think she knows. Pretty much if she's seen something once, she's stored it. Last week I took Ellory to the doctor to clear up this snot thing she's had for weeks...the last time we were at the doctor, she was 17 months old, it was the beginning of December, and we ran in for maybe 5 minutes to get the follow up booster for her flu shot. When we pulled into the parking lot last week, I parked facing away from the building:
"Oh, Mommy! I see fish and then I get a sucker!"
"Ellory Sue! How do you remember this?"
"Mommy, the fish. I see the fish, I get a sucker." (insert, "duh" look.)
I didn't even remember that they had fish at the doctor, but I did remember the sucker, because the nurse gave it to her before I could give her the mom eyes that said "JUST OFFER A STICKER." However, I know my girl, so I wasn't surprised to walk in and see a large tank of fish in the corner...
This and numerous other instances have been encouragements to turn up our Bible Reading. I regret that we weren't as consistent with this as we set out to be. But over the past 2 weeks we've totally changed our "night-night" routine, and it now includes all three of us putting Ellory in her p.j.'s reading a Bible Story from her Children's Bible (And then ALWAYS reading "The Sneaky Snake", the story of Adam and Eve's rebellion--Ellory will not let this one go!) Then we sing a song and say our prayers. Over the past couple nights, Ellory Sue wants to pray too...
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Pray that Lachlan and I can continue to point Ellory towards Christ. That we can point out our own sins and desire to believe the sneaky snake-- and our desperate need for grace and forgiveness found in Christ alone. Pray that all those time outs, all those, "Ellory you disobeyed, and you have to pay for that. "--Make the path to the perfect payment by Christ more clear to her.
I know, she's only 23 months, but she knows a LOT more than I think she knows...
love ya friend...i just teared up reading this.