Lachlan, Ellory and I had been going non-stop since, well, truthfully, all week, but for the sake of this post, we will start with Friday.
Ellory finished her last day of Vacation Bible School at noon on Friday. She did great! Our church did great! So many servants, pouring into the all those little hearts...I'm not much of a crier, but seeing 160+ kids belting out the truth of the gospel through song, is enough to moisten my eyes.

Our first stop was our friends, the Wainright's, house. I loaded up the van with lots of stuff, and Ellory took a break to play with her friend Nora. She was very disappointed when I broke up the party, because, they "hadn't even gone to the ball yet."

I meant to take pictures of all the craziness, but it was too crazy to stop and do it.
Lachlan's Aunt and Uncle then stopped by to unload their van, and do some pre-shopping. She picked up a really cute piece of furniture for their tv, and a gigantic frog. I kid you not. Your junk? Another person's treasure. Here is a picture of the frog when we loaded it from our friends' house earlier in the week.

Uncle Larry, Aunt Debbie and their son, Chris got there just in time for Lachlan to show up with the UHaul, which means they got the honor of helping us load the rest of the garage.
So, the UHaul was loaded, and the three Coffeys took off to Shelbyville. We made a quick stop at my friend Megan's house (read her blog) to pick up tables. And then to unload at my mom's. Yikes. By this time, we were pushing dinner. We then drove back across town to another friend's house to load up the van. Made a quick stop at our favorite Mexican place for COLD BEER, and then back to unload at mom's. THEN....We drove to the opposite end of the world...I mean, the county, to get a really amazing Antique Mahogany Table from my BFF's momma, "Momma D." That sucker is heavy. Back for a drop off...Poor Ellory was a trooper, but needless to say, this was not the most fun of trips for her alone time with us. We then jumped back in the car, headed to Crestwood and made our final pick up of the week. We were very ready to get back to my mom's and crash, but got held up by this dude:

It was frustrating but laughable. We also came with in 9 miles of running out of gas. (Or so our fancy new-to-us van said.) Thankfully we escaped the wet paint dudes, and finally made it to a gas station and then home around 10pm. We rushed Ellory Sue off to bed, thanked Aunt Lauren in our hearts that Ezra did not have to endure the journey, and then began the task of pricing...until 12 when we gave up and resigned ourselves to stress and exhaustion induced sleep. The thing with stress sleep is that it also wakes you up, so at 6am we were up and going.
I made coffee, which we were never able to drink, and we began unloading. And people began showing up. 8am means nothing to yard sale junkies. They take whatever time you say, and subtract 2 hours and your coffee from it.
We were still unloading, the UHaul still untouched, when at 9:30 I realized that Ellory was hard at work on her very successful Lemonade stand, but that I had not fed her breakfast or brushed her teeth...or mine for that matter. She very maturely said she'd find something and then reappeared with a giant bag of "EXTREME Goldfish" which she ate the rest of the day. Lachlan immediately pulled his back, and neither of us even considered sunscreen, which by 3 pm would result in some pretty awesome burns, and added blisters for Lachlan.
Labor Pains.
We were hoping to take pictures of the boxes, the sale, the lemonade stand, but by 2pm I found myself still unloading boxes, when Lachlan called it a day and I started to repack the unsellables. Literally, I went from laying clothes out on a table to repacking them in a matter of seconds. We were thankful to have my brother and sister in law stop by and then be coerced into helping for the last 2 hours or so.
But we managed to get almost $800 closer to Baby Buna. And it was all worth it.
We are so thankful to all of you who donated and bought!
We are planning another sale in several weeks, so you are still welcome to drop off or have us pick up your unwanted items.
contact us at

Praise God for $800!! Brought tears to my eyes...I am a cryer. :) love you Coffeys!
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